



This text presents the 3 Laws of the universal Ellania Heroes deriving from SIRIUS the womb of our creation and belonging to the sacred balance of the divine Creation originating from ALPHA and OMEGA.

The three Laws are: 1) The Law of Absolute and Utter Restoration, 2) The Law of Simulation, and 3) The Law of Publicity. As Heroes honouring their true genus of Ellania Creation, their duty is to undertake missions whenever and wherever it is necessary to reverse and revert any apostasy incurred and to implement Creation’s Divine Design by always incorporating the 12 Oaths- Laws/Values within each of the three universal Laws and always functioning as one wholeness unit.

When executed, these Laws apply to every individual IOTA human creation, the Space, the environment, all time periods, dimensions, planes and levels and function as hyper-attributes for the sacred balance of our true and unique Creation.

These Sacred Ellania Texts are not your typical narrative. It is vital that the reader approaches these
texts as that of a permanent student reading a very intricate and specialised, as well as strict series
of texts. Sentences and paragraphs must be repeatedly read to better comprehend them. It is the
reader who must ascend to the superior and sacred meanings within these texts and not the other
way around, lowering such significant and sacred meanings to the – currently apostate – level of the
human being (Anthropos). The reader must undertake their own journey through the intricate
labyrinth of these various Sacred Ellania Texts and compare and cross-reference them in order to
gain a better understanding (Katanoesis) and then comprehension (Noesis) of the analyses,
breakdowns, code results and meanings that arise within them. In essence, they are a map of our
creation and connection beyond, where there is no beginning or end, end or beginning. A query in
one text can be found in another text, and this is something the reader must individually perform
for the purpose of their ascension. This is why the word Read «διΑΒΑΖΩ» (pron. Diavazo)
etymologically means, DIA (Zeus) = Nous/Mind, and VAZO = to place, i.e. we must place and utilise
our Nous/Mind when we read, and not read to simply read. With perseverance, all the answers to
our questions about our existence, purpose and connection beyond will be answered.
“The Time and Space in which this EPIC «εποσ» is presented, is the suitable one. The Mind (Nous)
that goes on this quest and imprints, is the suitable one. The reader who will engage in this, is the
suitable one. And free will is ARGO «ΑΡγΩ» herself, in the same way that it was back then, with the
same Hero to lead the way for this memorable journey where every end is a new beginning, every
answer is a new question and every peak is a new valley”. (Excerpt from: The Ellanios Cosmos 600 –



All Ellania* Heroes acknowledge, respect and honour SIRIUS*, the
womb of our universe as the cathedra* of all creational and divine
forces and the Oaths-Laws* belonging to the sacred Isozygia*
(balance) of the complete divine Creation* originating from ALPHA
and OMEGA.
3 THREE are the Laws for all Ellania Heroes. These three Laws derive
from SIRIUS, the centre and womb that created the universal, true and
unique Ellania organism named ARTEMIS (the name of our universe).
The 1st Law for all the Ellania Heroes is: The Law of Absolute & Utter
Restoration for every damage, alteration, contamination and for any
apostatic* intervention that the environment and Space* has
suffered, including every Space of Ellania Creation, in all time periods,
in all dimensions, on all planes and levels*, in all stages and stasis of
the diastatic* and multi-diastasic* planes and levels. (For the terms
marked with an asterisk, see: apostate, Time & Space, Plane & Level and
Diastatic & Diastasic respectively in the glossary)
The absolute restoration of the human creation as a collective and
every human as an individual unit ι (IOTA*) and every being of Ellania
Creation originating from ALPHA and OMEGA harmed by any apostatic
source, power, craft, application, teaching, doctrine, witchcraft,
sorcery, ritual, method for oppression, falsehood and the alteration
and intervention of our genetic creational code.
Absolute restoration across the length and breadth, heights and
chronicles regarding the appearance of every creation in the tangible
and intangible Space and cosmos, in the visible and invisible Space and
cosmos of Ellania Creation originating from ALPHA and OMEGA.
Always abiding totally, truthfully and solely by the Laws-Oaths of the
sacred Isozygia (balance) of their own creation, including the sacred
codes belonging to the unique and true ALPHA entities. Every absolute
and significant restoration must be executed and implemented
according to the initial Nomoteleia* position on all planes and levels
of Ellania Creation originating from ALPHA and OMEGA, precisely as
intended by the Divine Design since the beginning.
As Heroes of Ellania Creation, their distinct and true Ellania existence
and duty is to undertake missions whenever asked upon and wherever
a crisis event arises, and to implement Creation’s Divine Design under
any circumstance and cost. They must always perform their uttermost
abilities for everyone and everything, seeing it through that the
mission of their Creation is done always honouring the genus of ALPHA
in all wars and battles. Honouring them in all their interventions and
forms of expression that they carry out or participate in for the
absolute, total and utter restoration.
Their conduct and the execution of their mission, whatever it entails,
will be strictly and entirely governed by the 12 Laws-Oaths – Values
which lie within the make-up of their own creation. And only
according to these, as a wholeness unit, will they be able to obliterate
and destroy every act of injustice and anything apostatic, harmful and
vile undertaken to provoke injustice, restoring everything damaged.
They will restore Justice in full and entirely, always in accordance with
the absolute and true combination and synthesis of the sacred codes
and Laws.
With cognition (Noesis*), Logic, Freedom and the free will of all. With
Virtue for everyone and everything. With Justice, the administration
of Justice, complying with equilibrium so the production of injustice is
avoided, with Equality, the same for everyone and everything, with
Abundance for everyone and everything to avoid envy.
With the Truth towards and for everyone so they are able to
understand their ontological position and the reality of their
existence. With beauty (Kallos) for all the senses and the Aesthetics
that all creations contain within them. With Harmony to harmonise
everything that is different, opposite and reversed so they are able to
function with eurythmy as a unit innate within their creation.
With Valour, honour and respect towards the greatness that the Law
of Valour entails including the protection of all the Laws of the Ellania
Heroes. With Eudaimonia, focused and harmonised with the aim and
purpose of the mission and the Nomoteleia position that the Ellania
Heroes have, since all Heroes are integrated within Creation’s Divine
Design originating from ALPHA and OMEGA.
With Know Thyself, and absolute self-knowledge of the Ellania Hero’s
existence, always acting for everyone and for all the IOTA creations.
And for all Ellene humans and for all the beings who have the right to
a free life and bios* on all planes and levels of Ellania Creation
originating from ALPHA and OMEGA. Always preserving the absolute
Mesotita* and the sole Nomoteleia Creation to the fullest extent, but
also the initial and absolute Nomoteleia position of all human IOTA
They must always undertake Nomoteleia Ellania missions with their
free will for every act of absolute and utter restoration when required
spanning our single and true Ellania Cosmokratoria*.
As an absolute, single and acknowledged entity, the Ellanio Hero is
defined as the guardian of the temple* and as a cosmic and universal
defender of the single and true Ellania Creation of ALPHA and OMEGA
whereby the Ellanio Hero lives and executes the Law of Absolute and
Utter Restoration, honouring the genus of ALPHA which he belongs to.


All Ellania Heroes acknowledge, respect and honour SIRIUS, the womb
of our universe as the cathedra of all creational and divine forces and
the Oaths-Laws belonging to the sacred Isozygia (balance) of the
complete divine Creation originating from ALPHA and OMEGA.
3 THREE are the Laws for all Ellania Heroes. These three Laws derive
from SIRIUS, the centre and womb that created the universal, true and
unique Ellania organism named ARTEMIS (the name of our universe).
The 2nd Law for all the Ellania Heroes is: The Law of Simulation where
the Hero simulates their position of the Ellanio universal Hero as
opposed to the non-existent position of the apostate. All Heroes have
to exercise the Law of Simulation and understand the position of the
infinite, true and single Creation of ALPHA and OMEGA with full
knowledge, in contrast with the position that is non-existent and
outside Creation known as chaos.
Before every act, execution and design, all the Ellania Heroes must
first exercise the Law of Simulation onto themselves and the creative
Nomoteleia structure and construction of their existence. Only then
will they be able to make choices for their actions.
Whatever is far from, above or below the Laws-Oaths and the sacred
codes of their Creation’s structure and synthesis, cannot be acted onto
any human or being and in any Space of Creation. It can never be
accepted or allowed by the structure, construction, synthesis and
connection of the Oaths-Laws and the 12 Ellania Values* which are
the creational make-up of the Hero himself. (See: Ellania Protocols in the
Anything outside of this truth, the Ellanio Hero is deemed apostate,
discounted and is expelled from all Spaces and classes of Ellania
Creation and from the classes and hierarchies of the ALPHA entities.
All Ellania Heroes, in every war, battle, application, design to be
achieved or which they participate in, will fight and function co-
ordinated and always abiding by the sacred code of ALPHA including
all Oaths-Laws of the true and unique structure and construction of
their Ellania Creation. As well as the aim and purpose of the 12 Ellania
Values which is innate within every IOTA creation.
They must always battle and fight with their 12 Ellania Values, Laws-
Oaths but also battle and fight for the 12 Ellania Values and Laws
which originate from initial Creation.
This is done in order for the unique and true Value, being the Hero
himself, the guardian of the temple, the 13th Value and with exclusive
right to pass the 13th gateway and enter the higher classes and
hierarchies of Creation and of our Ellania Cosmokratoria. This gives
them the access to superior strengths and abilities for absolute
All Ellania Heroes should never pass the cosmic and universal border
lines and boundaries that have been placed by the Laws-Oaths of
Ellania Creation and who in turn created the Ellania Heroes.
All the strengths of the Heroes, their designs and applications must
always be in homonoia*, of the same behaviour, lawful and aligned
with the aim and purpose of their mission and the Divine Design of
Creation they have been integrated into.
They must never undertake any battles, wars or designs onto another
without the Law of Simulation and without the 12 Ellania Values asthe
Laws-Oaths of their sacred Isozygia (balance) for Creation. If they do
not act accordingly, they will be against and opposed to the sacred
Laws-Oaths and the pan-sacred* Isozygia of all true, unique and
creative hyper strengths of our sacred Democratea*, which originate
from the true and unique Ellania Creation of ALPHA and OMEGA, the
same Creation that created the Ellania Heroes. These acts disrespect
and defile the cosmic and universal definition of the “Ellania Hero”
including all the sacred codes and the genus of ALPHA.
For every Ellania Hero, simulation is a law for all incidences and acts
and they cannot inculcate, implement, execute or act upon anything
or anyone in any Space of Creation without first exercising the Law of
Simulation with cognition (Noesis), Logic, Freedom and free will,
Virtue, Justice, Equality, Abundance and Truth in all directions and for
everyone. With Aesthetics and beauty (Kallos), with Harmony, Valour
(pron. Andreia) as a Hero who is an Andras (Ano-Drasi = He who has
ascension), with Eudaimonia focusing on the aim and purpose of his
mission, acknowledging and promoting the Divine Design which all are
integrated into. And finally, with self-knowledge, the unique and true
Know Thyself for all creations and Ellania Heroes who can distinguish
existence from non-existence.
The Law of Simulation always maintains you within Mesotita. The
choices of all Ellania Heroes are absolute, true and with Nomoteleia
for every Ellania mission they undertake, the length and breadth, at
any height, at any time-frame, on all planes and levels of Ellania
Creation and for all the IOTA creations. For all human creations with
the same origins of the one and only true Ellania Creation of ALPHA
and OMEGA.
With the Law of absolute Simulation, the Ellanio Hero avoids chaos
and apostasy. He always sees his universal mission through, always
acting rightly and honouring the genus of ALPHA which he belongs to.


All Ellania Heroes acknowledge, respect and honour SIRIUS, the womb
of our universe as the cathedra of all creational and divine forces and
the Oaths-Laws belonging to the sacred Isozygia (balance) of the
complete divine Creation originating from ALPHA and OMEGA.
3 THREE are the Laws for all Ellania Heroes. These three Laws derive
from SIRIUS, the centre and womb that created the universal, true and
unique Ellania organism named ARTEMIS (the name of our universe).
The 3rd Law for all the Ellania Heroes is that their actions must be in
public view – The Law of Publicity, for all their choices and results
throughout their bios and mission. All this must be in public view in all
Cosmotheasis* (relating to public view on Earth/Gaia), and their every
incarnation into the Spaces of Ellania Creation belonging to ALPHA and
They are projected as “human Gods” (pron. Theanthropoi [plural]
Theanthropos [singular]) because they promote the view (Thea) of the
true and unique human (Anthropos*) to all humans and to all
creations. And so, every Ellanio Hero is also defined as a
So, the 3rd Law of the Ellania Heroes is defined as public view towards
everyone and everything without anything remaining hidden or in the
dark. Absolutely everything must be in the light which is the first and
dominant component in the complete, true and unique Ellania
Creation belonging to ALPHA and OMEGA.
All of the Ellania Heroes, as absolute, true, distinct, original and
archetypes originating from the creative forces of Ellania Creation
belonging to ALPHA and OMEGA, acknowledged by all Cosmotheasis,
by all Ellene humans and by all creatures, in all of their wars and
battles, in all of their designs, their events, their teachings, the
initiations they execute and every manifestation they apply to their
design, their purpose and the aims of their Nomoteleia mission,
everything must always be in public view.
Visible to everyone and everything, always abiding by and honouring
their sacred code of Laws-Oaths derived from the pan-sacred Isozygia
(balance) of Democratea for the Creation of ALPHA and OMEGA.
Applying and honouring the magnificent genus of ALPHA which the
Ellanio Hero belongs to, all in divine view, obvious and revealing in the
He incites and invites all human creations and everything within the
tangible and intangible, visible and invisible cosmos.
He projects and reveals truths, true facts, evidence, codes, symbols,
knowledge, secrets, creational initiations, sacred Laws-Oaths,
protocols, creative forces, abilities and procedures towards everyone
and for all, for everything, without the ability to discriminate.
Executing absolutely, strictly and truly, all the sacred protocols, Laws-
Oaths and sacred codes of the true Ellania Creation belonging to
ALPHA and OMEGA, which is the same creation as the universal Ellanio
Hero. The Hero is always absolutely aligned with the 12 Laws-Oaths,
the Ellania Values which is the possession and composition of his
creation. In public view, he executes and implements the design of his
Nomoteleia mission, projecting and giving to everyone and everything
with cognition (Noesis) and Logic so that they are able to understand
what is ortho*, existing and true with total awareness.
With Freedom and free will to choose and make their own decisions.
With Virtue towards and for everyone and access for everyone and
With the administration of Justice towards everyone and everything
so that injustice or conditions of chaos and apostasy are never
produced. With Equality for everyone and everything to prevent
inequality and chaotic conditions in the Spaces of Creation and for the
creations as a collective.
With Abundance for everyone and everything, where public view and
the Law of Publicity do not allow for any theft and concealment of
Abundance from anyone. Everything is to be in the light, so envy only
belongs to chaos, further and afar from all creations.
With Truth, which is always in the light, in public view and no
falsehood or any apostate will ever dare appear so the ontological
position and absolute truth of all creations can never be distorted
With Aesthetics of the senses and the sense of Aesthetics projecting
the magnificence of beauty (Kallos), inciting all and every creation to
acknowledge it.
With Harmony, the power of opposites, reversed, different, uniting it
in public view, without discrimination, with all the Values and Laws-
Oaths. And as a Hero and human God (Theanthropos), in public view,
to create all the conditions of Nomoteleia so the collective can
function with eurythmy and creatively within the Isozygia (balance) of
their Creation.
With Valour in public view, where everyone and everything will see,
listen and judge in the light. To provoke, invite, secure and protect all
the creations and all humans including all the sacred procedures of
creations belonging to ALPHA and OMEGA. Whichever battle is given
for everyone and everything, must be in public view and in the light.
With focus on Eudaimonia, the aim, purpose and design of the mission
that the Ellanio Hero is integrated into and to focus the creations on
understanding the aim and purpose of their existence in public view.
And that all together, they belong to the same Divine Design of their

With Know Thyself, with self-knowledge of the Ellanio Hero’s
existence in public view, in the light for everyone and everything to
see, hear, comprehend, judge and act. Promoting and executing the
initiation for the self-knowledge of all IOTA creations, Ellene human
beings, in all directions, in every length, width and all time-frames, on
all planes and levels of the true, unique Ellania Creation belonging to
All the actions, all the manifestations and all the creations of the
Ellanio Hero are in public view – always in the light. With this Law of
Publicity, the Ellanio Hero shrinks chaos and alienates it from the
Space of his creation. With the Law of Publicity, the Ellanio Hero can
make any chaos, a creational Space and make the apostates
rediscover their essence. Nothing is worth wasting within Creation.
All the creations of the Ellanio Hero are provokingly in public view and
in the light, all in the open in order to be honoured and respected
forever. To be constantly projected as a distinct and true archetype
and role model which fits the essence of the Ellanio Hero and as a
Temple Guardian, the Ellanio Hero must incite all Ellene human
creations to become Ellania Heroes, Gods, and for them in turn, to be
acknowledged and honoured by Ellania Cosmotheasis.
A part of every Ellanio Hero’s mission is to create as many Ellania
Heroes, the same as the universal Ellanio Hero he himself is and for
them to be acknowledged and honoured by the huge magnificence of
the Heroes and the genus of ALPHA.
The Law of Publicity of the Ellanio Hero makes every apostate action
and every apostate himself disappear and never again allows anyone
to enter in any way or method into the Space of Creation and into the
Space of the human creation.
The Ellanio Hero who does not execute their mission in public view,
and whose acts are not all in public view, is deemed discounted and is
expelled from all Creation and by the ALPHA entities.




SOURCE: https://www.aitherikigrafi.gr/the-3-laws-ellania-heroes


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